Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

Schon wieder Regenwetter...

Und auch das neue Lieselotte-Bilderbuch „Lieselotte ist krank“ beginnt nass und grau.

Das Postaustragen ist im Herbst nämlich nicht immer ein Vergnügen.

Bei solchen Szenen helfen mir immer die Fotos, die ich in den letzten Jahren in der Region aufgenommen habe:

Wie man sehen kann, wird das Wetter im Laufe des Buches aber auch wieder besser: Inzwischen habe ich alle Reinzeichnungen fertig, und das Buch sollte dann spätestens im September erscheinen.

2 Kommentare:

mlaiuppa hat gesagt…

I am able to get the English version of Lieselotte is Hiding from amazon in the U.S. But for other books I must order from I have most all of the German Lieselotte books except for two Maxi-Pixi workbooks (130 & 132) because they are only sold used and they will not sell to the U.S.

Google Chrome has made it much easier for me to read your blog as it will translate the pages automatically for me. In this way I have been able to keep up with your new books. So far I must purchase Lieselotte is Sick from because it will not be released in English that I know of. I will also be purchasing the 2014 calendar. I have the previous 3 years and really enjoy them. Each month a new Lieselotte.

Here in the U.S. she is Millie.

I like cows and the black and white ones are my favorite. I very much like the "farmily" of the Farmer with the goats, chickens, horse, etc. Especially when the Postman is invited to a party or a picnic.

Alexander Steffensmeier hat gesagt…

Hello mlaiuppa,

thank you very much for your kind words!
I'm very touched by the efforts you take to get your dose of Lieselotte :o)
I hope that more of the books will be published in America in the future.
And don't worry about the Maxi-Pixis: those are just softcover editions of already existing Lieselotte books.

By the way: your description of the farm family dynamics is spot on. I, too, think of the animals as kids and siblings and of the farmer as the mother figure.

Best wishes from Germany,