Donnerstag, 26. November 2015

Lieselotte auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

Ein paar schöne Fotos habe ich heute aus Baden-Baden bekommen. Auf dem dortigen Christkindelsmarkt gibt es immer eine Märchenstraße, auf der in großformatigen Bildern eine weihnachtliche Geschichte erzählt wird.

Dieses Jahr findet man dort „Lieselotte feiert Weihnachten“. Und ich freue mich sehr, dass Lieselotte die Vorweihnachtszeit in einem so stimmungsvollen Rahmen verbringen kann :o)

(Copyright Fotos: Baden-Baden Kur & Tourismus GmbH)

3 Kommentare:

mlaiuppa hat gesagt…

Oh, I have that book.

I will miss not seeing it in person. Too bad it is only for this year.

What a wonderful idea to have a "book walk".

I was in Germany just once for the Christmas Fair and will never forget. It was beautiful. Nothing like it in the world.

Alexander Steffensmeier hat gesagt…

It really looks quite nice, doesn't it? I'll probably won't be able to see it myself either, though, because Baden-Baden is quite a bit away. A five hour drive is probably not very much by US standards, but I've done a lot of traveling in the last few weeks and want to stay put and get some work done now :o)
Best wishes from Muenster (where there's a huge "Weihnachtsmarkt", too),

mlaiuppa hat gesagt…

A five hour drive is a five hour drive.

My Mother and I once drove up the coast of California from San Diego to San Francisco. Five hours didn't even get us to Monterrey (half way)

The few times I have visited Germany I have mostly taken the train. You have a very efficient system. Once my cousin drove me from Stuttgart to Giengen. That was a beautiful drive.

But I understand the longing to stay home after travel.

You are lucky your work is at home. Now that I am retired, I appreciate not having to leave my house to drive to work every day.

Froliche Weinachten to you, the Farmer, the Postman, Lieselotte, the chickens and all of the "Farmily".