Das wäre jetzt zur Karnevalszeit doch genau das Richtige, um schon einmal einen kleinen Einblick in das Buch zu geben :o)
Lieselotte ist in der neuen Geschichte nicht in Feierlaune, aber die anderen Tiere haben die Idee, sie mit einer kleinen Tanzparty aufzumuntern.
Nur scheint das leider nicht den gewünschten Effekt zu haben ...
Aber vielleicht helfen ja ein paar Kostüme? Wie wir wissen, liebt es Lieselotte, sich zu verkleiden.
Heute bringt aber auch das nichts. Hoffen wir einmal, dass sich Lieselottes Laune im Laufe der Geschichte noch verbessert.
Euch nichtsdestotrotz weiterhin einen fröhlichen Februar!
2 Kommentare:
That sounds like such fun. I remember on a trip to Germany there was some sort of celebration in the town I was in and people were carrying paper lanterns in the park and there were candles floating down the little creek going through the park. I never could figure out what it was as it was the wrong time of year for any of the festivals I could think of. But it was magical to see all of the lanterns in the evening. Really looking forward to Lieselotte dressing up and enjoying a carnival party.
That sounds very nice!
The German carnival always takes place about 7 weeks before Easter. And especially along the Rhein and - in a more traditional form - in Southern Germany.
And in Mid-November there's a day when children walk around with lanterns in the evening.
But you might have seen another local light festival. Sometimes those things are done as a part of a wedding party, too, especially in the summer.
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