Montag, 25. Mai 2020

Trailer für die Fernsehserie

Nun sind es nur noch wenige Tage bis zum Start der Lieselotte-Fernsehserie am 31. Mai um 18.40 Uhr bei KiKA.

Und ich freue mich, Euch zur Einstimmung schon einmal einen kleinen Trailer zeigen zu können.

1 Kommentar:

mlaiuppa hat gesagt…

That was fun. It really keeps the flavor and style of Lieselotte. I didn't find the language a problem at all, there not being much of any. If I am able to access this either through Kika or if it should be picked up in the UK or Canada and or through Amazon Prime (imagine that!) it's nice to know the language won't be a problem for me. I did take two years of German in high school so I might be able to understand simple phrases if there are any.

Congratulations again and here is hoping that Lieselotte TV expands into other countries just like her books.